Friday, March 7, 2008

8 March 2008

Well, it's been a long week. I've caught a flu bug and have been hacking and wheezing for several days now. Thanks, Ray! Hopefully I'm nearing the end of it. And on the heels of a sprained ankle, it has been a long time since I had a routine.

Watching things in Ottawa, and there's so many scandals: Nafta-gate, Cadman, Soudis. I can smell the Cons rotting all the way out here on the West coast. I guess the Libs are just waiting for the momentum that will accompany three and perhaps four by-election wins coming up on the 17th of March: Joan Beatty, Martha Hall Findlay, Bob Rae and our own Joyce Murray here in Vancouver Quadra. So that's only a little over a week away. Then off to the polls we'll go!

And we're also watching the Democratic race down south. BO is about 100 delegates ahead of HC, and I think that the up-coming primaries/caucuses will widen that gap. Go, Barack! HC is now whining about the delegates in Florida and Michigan not being seated at the convention this summer due to the fact that they moved up their respective primaries and were disqualified. The two states were told ahead of time that this would happen. Nobody said anything. The Democratic candidates were told by the party not to bother campaigning as those 2 states were not going to count. Hillary let her name stand anyway......and walked away the "winner". Barack's name wasn't even on the ballot. I wonder why she wants those delegates counted now, when she's losing the race. Apparently the powers that be have indicated that there could be a re-vote and it's just a problem of money. We'll see. Tomorrow (Saturday 8 March) there is a caucus in Wyoming and then next week (Tuesday 11 March) there is a primary in Mississippi which is slated to go for Obama.

And Garth is talking doom and gloom on the economic front:

I'm just happy that the kids are all renting, at least for the present time. Must phone them and remind them to turn their clocks ahead one hour this Saturday night, Daylight Savings Time.

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